Architecture and Cinema: a visual dialogue

Architecture and cinema share a deep connection, both disciplines are based on visual composition, spatial narrative and the creation of atmospheres to convey messages and emotions to the viewer. In this article, we will explore how contemporary architecture has played a leading role in some of the most iconic films of our time, analysing each … Leer más

5 emblematic architectural projects: inspiration, innovation and legacy

Architecture has the power to transform landscapes and capture the essence of an era. Emblematic buildings bear witness to the genius, audacity and vision of architects. Whether it’s skyscrapers that defy the sky or ecological structures, these projects stand out in history and become benchmarks for future creations.  In this article, we will analyse five … Leer más

Sustainable architecture: Understanding LEED and BREEAM certification

In the sustainable architecture field, there are two certifications that stand out for their importance and global recognition: LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). Both certifications seek to promote the construction of more sustainable and efficient buildings, but each has its own approach and methodology. This … Leer más